DGW Annual Sales Conference 2024

21 Februari 2024
To achieve excellent performance in 2024, PT Dharma Guna Wibawa held the Annual Sales Conference 2024 at the Novotel Suite Malioboro in Yogyakarta. The event, held from February 19-21, 2024, included various activities such as speeches from management, presentations of targets, business plans, and upcoming company programs, as well as announcements of the best Sales Supervisors, Promotion Officers, and Profit Center champions of 2023.
In his speech, DGW Group CEO, Mr. David Yaory, emphasized four key points: maintaining enthusiasm, discipline, and integrity in demand creation; launching highly differentiated new products; strengthening the supply chain; and leveraging information technology to support field efficiency. He expressed hope that these four strategies would drive increased sales performance in 2024.
During the event, the company announced the 2023 award winners for best performance in each category. For the Best Team in Product Development 2023, awards went to DC Sumbagsel (Herbicides), DC Sumbagut (Insecticides), and DC Jatim (Plant Nutrients). The Best Promotion Officer 2023 awards were given to Saryadi (Intim 3), Muhammad Effendi (Sumbagsel), Suherman (Intim 2), Jeni Priandi (Sumbagut), Rendi, S.P. (Kalimantan), Yohanes Muhing Tukan (Intim 1), and Tegar Wahyu Wicaksono (PO Java). In the Best Sales Supervisor 2023 category, awards went to Wahyu Ardi Pramono (Fungicides), Nur Hidayat (Leili Product), Yoga Putra Pratama (Insecticides), Rudiyanto (Herbicides), and M. Indo Hartana (Molluscicides).
Additionally, the Best Performance Profit Center 2023 & Region awards were presented: Third Place to North Sumatra-Aceh, Second Place to Lampung, and First Place to South Sulawesi A. Closing the awards ceremony, the Best Sales Achievement RSM 2023 awards were presented: Third Place to Mr. Subair from Intim 2, Second Place to Mr. Mustawakkal from Intim 1, and First Place to Mrs. Alina from Plantation.
In addition to the conference, participants enjoyed various other activities, including a Gala Dinner and a series of outing events.